Goodwin Frazier Elementary Keeps Comal Shake Championship Title

January 24, 2025 - For the second year in a row, the Comal Shake Champion is from Goodwin Frazier Elementary School. This year’s district winner is Quira Anders, a fourth-grade student at GFES.

A three-time finalist to the competition, she is proof to never give up on a dream.

“I was so excited when I won,” says Anders, “because I’ve been doing this for three years, and everyone said, ‘third time is a charm.’

“I feel like I accomplished something especially since this makes two years in a row for someone from my school to win.”

Her advice to others when it comes to carrying on a conversation with someone is to “keep good eye contact, just be yourself and don’t get too nervous or you will forget your questions. Above all, just try your best.”

This year marks the 11th anniversary of the Comal Shake competition which encourages elementary students to hone their interpersonal skills, specifically, starting conversations, showing confidence and shaking hands.

The Comal Shake competition begins at the campus level with every Comal ISD elementary campus selecting two representatives to compete in the semifinals. The top six out of the 40 advance from the semifinals to the championship round.

The six finalists are given two minutes with each of the three judges to showcase their interpersonal skills.

This year’s judges for the championship round included Superintendent of Schools Dr. John E. Chapman III, Comal ISD Board of Trustees President Russ Garner and Comal ISD Board of Trustee Courtney Biasatti.

Besides Anders, finalists were Hailey Huf from Hoffmann Lane Elementary, McKenzie Kurth and Charlotte Albart from Farias-Spitzer Elementary, Kaiden Sorenson from Indian Springs Elementary and Eden Sparks from Clear Spring Elementary.





Photo Descriptions

-Quira Anders, a fourth-grade student from Goodwin Frazier Elementary, is this year’s Comal Shake champion.

-Pictured front row from left are the Comal Shake finalists including Hailey Huf, McKenzie Kurth, Charlotte Albart, champion Quira Anders, Eden Sparks and Kaiden Sorenson. Pictured in the back from left are this year’s Comal Shake judges including Comal ISD Board of Trustee Courtney Biasatti, Superintendent John E. Chapman III and Comal ISD Board of Trustees President Russ Garner.

-Comal Shake judges with Quira Anders.

-Comal Shake Champion Quira Anders.




Read more Comal ISD news here.